Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Something about us...

Our club
Leo Club of Kota Bharu Central was formed in 1981 sponsored by Lions Club of Kota Bharu. This Club located at Kota Bharu, in the state of Kelantan, the country of Malaysia. In January 1, 2006, Lions Club International recognized us as 25 years old club. We are celebrating our 30 years anniversary soon, in 2011.

Our People
We promise you a different that is our slogan. We are a bunch of young people from the small charming city of Kota Bharu who wish to serve the community, country as well as our mother nature. We understand that we are part of Kota Bharu, part of Malaysia, and also part of the earth.

We love organizing project, we love challenge, we love helping people, we love voice our opinion, we love the elderly, we love children, we love jokes, we love our community, we love traveling, we love meeting new friend, of course, as young people, and we love party.

We talk about the structure of our country, we talk about family, we talk about friends, we talk about future, we talk about education, we talk about sex, we talk about job, we talk about movie, we talk about celebrity, and the most important is we talking about Leadership, Opportunity, and Experience.

We might be small, we might be slow, but all of us which to be somebody. We have a dream. We dream to CHANGE for the betterment of our community and country. Changes happen rapidly all over the world now day. We believe in the power of the young people in making change.

We are living a good life although there are many challenges out there. Leo Club provides us social support and also a place to relax after tired university classes or working. We laugh, we chat, we tell jokes, we eat, we play, and we have fun … LOL

As what Mahatma Gandhi said, Journey of million miles, begin with a single step. Mother Teresa ever said, if you can’t feed one hundred children, than feed one. What we are doing right here is beginning the first step to “feed” as many children as possible.

Our Influence

Asset of the community
We had being value as the asset as our community. As most of us are at the stage of early adulthood, (18-30 years) we assume the social responsibility through our community service project.

Community towards first class mentality
As Malaysia is a developing country, we aware the important of the thought of the people. We are helping to educate or improve the mentality of the society through our project.

Environmental Friendly
We play our little roles by minimizing the use of plastic bag and polystyrene in our activity. We ban sharks fins in all of the meal which related to our club function. We educate the society to protect our earth.

By choice or by default, we will have to assume the leadership responsibility in the future. We have the annually Youth Leadership Conference and Camp for young people age 13-18 to exchange ideas and thought lead by our professional speaker and trainers.

Special Project Unit
As 50% of our members have to further their studying in Kuala Lumpur, we formed a special project unit team based in Kuala Lumpur. The function of this unit is to enhance relationship with others Lions and Leo Club as well as enlarge our connection. Besides that, we also hosting Leos, visitor or young people from all around the world who wish to visit Malaysia.

Social and Emotional Support
We also do what we call peer counseling. We believe that, as a normal human being, we might need help once in a time. We are the listener of our members and friends who facing problem in daily life. The problem could be about academic, stress, depression, loss, relationship, sexuality, suicide and many more which we may share with each others. We are the social and emotion support to each others. If one day, you really need help, no one is free, why not, try to contact any one of our members? We will be a very good friend. We promise you a confidential and non-judgmental chatting or listening.

We care
Young people is not interested in some issue ? Earth quake in China, Global Economic Crisis, Adik Sharlini missing, Adik Nurin Jazlin died in such a horrible way, Landslide in Bukit Antarabangsa. We care. We wish to express our concern to this issue and also deepest sympathies to all the victims.

Non-Judge mental
We believe in equality than uniformity. This club is for everyone who shares the same dream as us. Although we might have different skin or hair color, as a human being, we feel the same hunger and pain.

Fellowship & Friendship
We grow our friendship through the club. We have fellowship with friends from other club. We build friendship who can share with each other’s our opinion, thought, promotion, car, food ball… It is not easy to put the meaning of Friendship through Leo Club in witting, join us and you will understand what I means. We would like to welcome young people from all around the world to visit us, in Malaysia, either the city of Kuala Lumpur or Kota Bharu, or both. Contact us for home stay and city arrangement.

Social and International Relation
We keep good contact with Lions Club, Leo Club, Others NGO, community member and also the government. Besides that, we also connect to the world through Lions Youth Exchange Program. We wish to know more friend from Leo Club all around the world. Become fans to connect.

How do we reach each others? Phone, mailing address, email, blog as well as face book. Get latest update about our club development via face Book. Become our fans here. Our connection do not end every time a gathering or project ended, we will post photo and keep the mood fire burning through Face Book, do not miss this.

In 20 years time, members of Generation X going to retire and enjoying their golden time as elderly after hard work for few century. We have the awareness that there is more member of Generation X than Generations Y who will be continuing the adult roles. Can a society function “normally” when there are more retired people (gen X) than working people (gen Y), this is a question to ponder. Our future activity will try to create awareness about this issue to the society, and also educate Generation X on how to coping with the retired life.

Research and Development
We also believe in expert opinion and professionalism. We will conduct scientific research on youth, social and also elderly to make sure the project that we organized is fully benefited to the community. We organized a project is not because we want to do, but is because there is a needs.

LOL :) Different from others ? yes, we promise you the different. Come and explore us.
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Lions Club Kota Bharu
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