Saturday, September 19, 2009


Date : 19th September 2009 (Saturday)
Venue : Kuala Besar
Time : 11.30am

It was a tragedy that 4 wooden houses were burnt down in Raya Eve. All properties of these 4 families were gone in one night. Especially to them who are going to celebrate Hari Raya the next day.

Lion President Lion Yaccob, Leo Advisor – Lion Josh Lim, Lion Kevin Yeap, Lion Benedict Cheang, Lion Chua Yew Beng from Lions Club of Kota Bharu; Leo Jason Lee, Leo Diana Chiok and Leo Sheng Toy Sei from Leo Club of Kota Bharu Central planned to donate some daily utensils, food stuff, old clothing and money to the victims.

It was a meaningful experience for our Leos to be able to interact with the under privilege and show our caring attitude towards the different ethnic. We also realized how lucky we are, to be able to live in a safe homeland.

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