Saturday, June 19, 2010

IR Day - Are you available? - ACG Benevolent Unity

IR Day - Are you available?
June 19, 2010 (3-7pm)
Summit Auditorium
Organised by Leo Club of ACG Benevolent
Sponsoring Club: Lions Club of Ampang City Garden
Members Attended: 1 member, Lim Meng Zhen
Acknowledgement: DC Leo, District 308-B2, Alan Thoo for Entry Ticket.

Leo Club of ACG Benevolent Unity (OMEGA) District 308-B2, Sponsored by Lions Club of Ampang City Garden had organised their IU Day with the theme “Are you available”. The event took place at Summit Auditorium on June 19, 2010 from 3-7 p.m. The guest of honour invited is the DC for Leo Club, District 308-B2, Lion Alan Thoo. About 100 members from Leo Club and Lions club attend to this function.

The main idea of the IU day is fellowship. There are some games prepared for the participants and DC Lion Alan Thoo is one of the candidates. Quick number of performance was performed to entertain the guest. One of the most interesting parts of the program is song singing by a children age 8. His singing is awesome and gets a great respond from the guest.

By attending this even, we wish to develop further relationship with Leo Club around in Malaysia. We meet quite some new friend and have opportunity to meet DC Alan Thoo for tea break.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

37th MD 308 Leo Forum

37th MD 308 Leo Forum
June 11-13, 2010
Towel Regency Ipoh
Organised by MD308

Members Attended : 13 members, Tan Sinsing, Lim Meng Zhen, Ong Zhi Wei, Lim Meng Han, Tey Hong Guan, Foo Ban Hoe, Oh Yung Chia, Sew Wei Yee, Chew Li Mun, Tan Hock Yiun, Brayan Gan, Kevin Lim, Jing Jing

Achievement : Outstanding President, Secretary, Treasure, Club, Outstanding Leadership, Serving with Lions Project Award

Theme : Z.E.A.L (Zealous Energy Augments Leadership)

Photo with Omega City West

Photo with Leo Ch'ng Kok Sheng, 1st VDP

Kota Bharu Central

Fellowship night with hat as the theme.

President Tan Sinsing receiving Outstanding Award from VDG Dato' Yeow

President Cherrie, Omega City West; DC Leo, Lion Shshekala; Leo Meng Zhen

Thursday, June 3, 2010

117- The Fallen Stars

Dear Organising Committee,

This is an congratulation notes on your successfully organised of "117- The Fallen Stars" Penang Lions & Leo Charity Dinner. For sister club Penang City, well done !

We can still remember the pain due to the lost of our beloved friend on the tragic dragon boat incident. Hopefully through this charity dinner, the target to raise fund for the Fo Yi Dialysis Centre. Let's Love Go Around.

Spread Love

Meng Zhen
Secretary 2010-2011

Lions Club Kota Bharu

Lions Club Kota Bharu
Information about the progress of new Down Syndrome Centre

4th YLC 2010

4th YLC 2010
Click Here Now :)

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