Monday, December 27, 2010

Spread Love All Around Youth Leadership Camp

Spread Love All Around Youth Leadership Camp
December 10-12, 2010
Dusun Eco Resort Bentong Pahang

The Leo Club of Kota Bharu Central (Sponsored by Lions Club of Kota Bharu) and Leo Club of KL City West (Sponsored by Lions Club of KL West) had successfully organized the 1st Spread Love All Around Youth Leadership Camp at Dusun Eco Resort, Bentong, Pahangfrom December 10-12, 2010 with the theme “Dream Big, Believe in you, dream out of the box.” This camp was participated by 32 participants mainly student ages 13-18 from Montfort Boys Town, Ti-Ratana Welfare Home and also Rumah Keluarga Kami and run by 16 committees.

This camp is specially designed for the population of underprivileged such as orphans, single parents / widows, youth from dysfunctioning family as well as minority ethnic groups. A different way of education was also presented, where we emphasized on experience learning. Debriefing was conducted after every activity to help the participants to see the picture behind the games or activity.

At many times, this group of population will have a faulty assumption that they got something less when comparing to others which is wrong. We are telling them that they are just same as any one of us; they must have the courage to pursue for success, like anyone of us does.

For committees, it is the first time we had close interaction with this population and understand how their life in the institution is. It is definitely important for us to understand them because outsiders will have lots of faulty information about them.

For the participants, camp represents a different kind of escape, an escape from a hard and troubled life, to a world full with hope, laughter and love. We are creating possibility for them to do something different. They had suffered in life, and it is important that we can just show them another part of life through the camp.

This camp activity was voluntarily consulted by Elite Edutainment’s CEO Miss Apel. Dr. Adnan Omar, Head of Counselling and Psychological Services Centre (CPSC) from Taylor's University had become the main speaker. During this camp, he delivered a talk on Physical, Intimacy, Sex, me, conducted group dynamic activity and also a motivational talk about our theme “Dream Big, Believe in you, dream out of the box.” Besides that, participants are also involved in outdoor activities such as flying fox, obstacle course, bamboo rafting and night walk into the jungle as well as indoor activity such as magic carpet, trust fall and potato game.

The cost of every participant is about RM250.00 and all youth from the 3 institution attended for free of charge through our scholarship program. The organising team wishes to recognise the effort played by Ministry of Youth and Sport through the Deputy Minister YB Gan Peng Sieu for sponsoring us and also District Governor, Dato’ Yeow Wah Chian for supporting our little effort in making small changes within our community. Not forgetting, both sponsoring Lions Club as well as public sponsors and donors.

group presentation

Flying fox

water activity

Climbing cargo net

Trust Fall

Bamboo Rafting

Group dynamic towel building game. Winner received award from speaker, Dr. Adnan Omar.

District Governor, Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin witness the closing of the camp. On his left, Lion Bobby Eng.

All participants also sign to witness the successful of the camp.

District Governor, Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin talking about the camp with Leo Lim Meng Zhen.

District Govorner, Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin interview the camp participants.

District Govorner, Dato’ Yeow Wah Chin presented the Lions Organising Chairperson Award to Leo Lim Meng Zhen

Group Photo

Leo Lim Meng Zhen presented token of appreciation to YB Gan Peng Siew at Ministry of Youth and Sport office Putrajaya.

Friday, December 17, 2010

House Of Peace And Happiness

Shi Rong
Spread Love All Around Youth Leadership Camp Participant
Ti-Ratana Welfare Home

I will arise and go now,and go to house of peace and happiness
And a house build there,of happiness and peaceful made
Happy memories and peaceful mind will I have there,delicious food for my meal
Filled with smiles and laughter everyday,

And I shall have some peace there,with peace comes solutions to my problems,
Disturbance from the past where the sadness begin.

There are happiness fill in my mind and my heart,
And nothings to be worried in the future,
Peace and happiness will bring a better life for every person.

I will arise and go now,for always night and day
I hear laughing around my surrounding with happiness,
While I have a great smile or my laughing voice could change the suffering everywhere,
I hear it in the deep heart core.
While I am here,there will be no stranger,no sadness,no suffering in the world.

Lions Club Kota Bharu

Lions Club Kota Bharu
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