Saturday, January 24, 2009

Charity Car Wash - January 23, 2009

Charity Car Wash

We are grateful to Kamal’s Yellow Car Wash and Lion Ali Lahid to have given us the usage of the venue and total cooperation to organize this project. We would also like to thank Leo Kevin Lim for providing us with the liquid car wash shampoo and President of Lions Club of Kota Bharu Lion Tommy Tan for providing lunch.

Lion Ali Lahid and Leo Advisors – Lion Josh Lim & Lion Yap Sier Seng have our heartfelt gratitude for their presence and willing participation in our project.

The proceeds from this project will partly go to the building of the Down syndrome center and the remaining will be added to the club fund to be used for future projects.

A total of 33 cars were washed in this project.

Lion Yap, What you doing ?

Leo Advisor Lion Josh Lim "mastering" Leos

Leo Jason and Leosssssss...... Actionnnnnnn

Leo Meng Zhen is there ...


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