Monday, January 18, 2010


After our friend Leo James from Chung Ling High School drown about 2 months ago, now come another sad tragedy where the Leo President of the same school, Jason Ch'ng, 17 found death after the dragon boat tragedy. Al thought we don't know about him, but all of us here wish to express our sadness and deepest Sympathies & Condolences to his family and friends. RIP.

"2 dead, four missing in dragon boat tragedy
Bernard Cheah and Lee Su San

GEORGE TOWN (Jan 17, 2010): A teacher and a student drowned, while four students are missing after a dragon boat capsized during a training session at the Gat Lebuh McCallum seafront this morning. The body of Chin Aik Siang, 28, was recovered about 10am and that of Jason Ch'ng, 17, about 10am and 2.45pm.

Search and rescue teams were still looking for Brendon Yeoh, 17, Cheah Zi Jun, 17, Koh Yizhiang, 17, and Yong Xiang, 16." more
Source from here.


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