Sunday, March 21, 2010

YLC2010 - from Leo Ng Zhi Yee

Leo Ng Zhi Yee
Taken with permission.

Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 1:14 PM
4th YLC! :D

Its tired but I had lots of fun there! :D
This is the 1st time I registered as a committee members. A very nice experience for me :)
but too bad, I missed the Animation presentation day to attend this YLC. Its okay anyway, I just lose the chance to be in newspaper :P got the other time right? haha! xD

Committee members & Bryan! hahah.

Kate & me. The 1st day of YLC :)

Its tired but I had lots of fun there! :D
This is the 1st time I registered as a committee members. A very nice experience for me :)
but too bad, I missed the Animation presentation day to attend this YLC. Its okay anyway, I just lose the chance to be in newspaper :P got the other time right? haha! xD

Kate & me. The 1st day of YLC :)
She insisted that she's from Penang. haha..
She said that, from her place to penang, needed only 5 minuntes & would see the sign ''Selamat Datand ke P. Pinang"
Nice to know you Kate!

My team! Dazzling :D
"I say Dazzling you say loving, Dazzling! Loving! Dazzling! Loving! Dazzling Dazzling D
azzling! Loving Loving Loving! 1 clap, 2 claps, 3 claps, Luan luan clap! Dazzling Dazzling Dazzling, Go go go GO!"
Our group cheer! woooo!
The 1st day, some of them were really quiet..
It's getting much more better the next 2 days :)
& grats they get the 3rd place! xD Congratulations Dazzling :D
Thanks for the co-operation with us too ^^

Eewern and me :D
Bernai & me :D
He's so long tall! Err, he's half-stood in this picture.
I'm just too short for him to take picture with :P haha
One of my team's member :)
Committee members.
Wanyi, Me, Yin ying(chong guo mei) & xin :D
She's so cute!
& her smile is so suuu-weet! She talks alot too! haha xD
We had an activity called Angel & baby.
We picked names randomly, the one who picked the names is the Angel, and the one who've been picked is the baby :)
So, that girl is my Angel! & I'm her baby ;P
Oh my pretty Angel! haha
Kazhe Tan & me.
Our Apel's team leader! :)
Tadaa... our OC :)
Weiyee & me!
Menghan & me :D
yummyy, makan roti. haha
Sinsing & me :)
Gan brothers & me :D

Charles darling. haha xD
Ah hoe & me!
Surprised when saw him at YLC. As a committee also. haha xD
He's my cousin :)
Mengzhen & me :)
Lengzai Poh & me :D haha.
Yay~ chung hwa's committee :)
Or I should say KB's committee? haha...
Me, Eewern, Xiating & bernai

Me, Poh, Bernai.

He asked me to do that pose!
Like what xiating did before we took this picture. hahah.
simply like this photo! Got feeeeeel~! hahah xD
Alia & me :)
Hongwei & me.
He's very annoying lor, always luan with his slipper. hahaha xP
Okay, they are our lengzai(s) D:
lengzai committee. haha
KL delegates :)
Zimin & me :)

Kevin aka phong phong & me :D haha..

Ah poh again. hehe

Our trainer Nic :D
Yeekei & me :)
Charging battery.
After charging the battery! hahah
okay, very nice pose girls. hahaha
Beh tahan bernai's expression! So cute... hahah xD
& xiating, very nice also.
Eewern, you are the cutest la! haha
Eewern, xiating, me & bernai :D

I want more YLC photos! Where can I get them? D:

Well, I hurt my leg the 2nd day.
I run in rain early in the morning to wake up all the delegates. We were all running but I'm the only one who fell. haha
Lucky not many ppl saw that stupid scene.. but some delegates did saw it! ish..
Thanks for all the committees who cared :)
Appreciate it lots, worth falling! hahaha.

I hope I could join the 5th YLC too! :D

****************** Declaration *******************
The above article do not represent the stand of Leo Club of Kota bharu Central. We do not holds any responsible if there is any implication of this article.


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