Saturday, July 10, 2010

PJI 10th Anniversary and 11th Installation

Name of the Activity : PJI 10th Anniversary and 11th Installation
Date : July 10, 2010
Venue : 4th Jupiter hall, Global business park, PJ
Organiser : Leo Club of Petaling Jaya Integrity (PJI)
Sponsoring Club : Lions club of Petaling Jaya
Members Attended : Leo Foo Ban Hoe, Leo Lim Meng Han, Leo Tan Hock Yiun,
Leo Lua Jing Jing, Leo Tey Hong Guan, Leo Sew Wei Yee

The event started with dancing show perform by B.O.D and members of PJI. After that national anthem is play and Leo pledge by Leo Lim Chong Sheng. After that, speech by OC-Leo Tai Kian Min, immediate past president -Leo Beatrice Grace, Lion president-Lion M.Kesavan, regional6&7 committee chairperson- Lion Nicholas Seow, Guest of honour-YB Tony Pua Kiam Wee. The event continues with the induction of new member by Lion Nicholas Seow and installation of incoming president and B.O.D by Lion M.Kesavan. Next, speech by President of PJI- Leo Fion Tey Pei Yin, Awards presentation by Lion Clayton Tan and souvenirs presentation& meeting adjourned by Leo Fion Tey. Buffet is served with playing some PJI slide show. We leave the venue at 7pm so we missed the performances and opening dance floor program.

Hand made souvenir by PJI

Group Photo with PJI President- Leo Fion Tey

Public Relation Committee, Leo Foo Ban Hoe receiving souvenir from PJI President.

Yb Tony Pua speaking as Guest of Honour.

Speech by 308-B2 Regional Chairperson for Region 6&7, Lion Nicholas Seow

Speech by Lions President, Lion M. Kesayan

Speech by Immediate Past President, Leo Beatrice Grace

Speech by the organising chairman, LeoTai Kian Min

Souvenir Programme

Reported by,
Leo Foo Ban Hoe,
Public Relation Committee 2010-2011


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