Thursday, March 26, 2009

The 3rd Youth Leadership Conference & Camp 2009 - Part 2

Lions during lunch hours


Apple Team Leader, Hoe Cheong, he is always serious
you see..

Lucky , still got some hand post.



Committee Kok Yong and Leo Jonathan

Sharing Sessions.

Conference Secretary, Leo Michelle Yeap, Presenting Report during Closing Ceremony

Silver group

Winner Group

All the group Leader received participation certificate.

President Leo June (Right) Receiving Appreciation Souvenir.

OC - Leo Kevin Lim received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

Deputy OC - Leo Meng Zhen received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

Conference Chief Advisor Lion Yap Sier Seng received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

Zone 1 Chairman, cum Conference Chairman, Lion N. SUbramaniam received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

Trainer Nicholas Yeap received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

Trainer Apel Woo received Appreciation Souvenir from Lions President, Tommy Tan

All my dearest committee

Thanks you all


Lion Lee San Ming and Advisor Lion Yap Sier Seng

Trainer Apel Woo and Nicholas Yeap

Zhi Wei


Committee briefing during the conference

From Left : Committee Poh Zhi Kuang, Nicholas Yeap, Apel Woo, Lion Yap Sier Seng

Dinner with trainer after conference.

Leo Meng Zhen Speaking during meeting.

Conference Chairman Lion N. Subramaniam speaking during post mortum meeting.

Committee Poh Zhi Kuang speaking during post mortum meeting

All the beautiful ladies

This is the last meeting of YLC .. Memories...

Thanks you Lion Tommy for the Appreciation Dinner.


To All Delegates,

We wish to get your testimonial and comment regarding the YLC2009. Please share with us. On behalf of the committee, I thanks you for your participation.

Keep contact with us through FACE BOOK and visit this blog again for more information.

Please email me at for any suggestion.

Meng Zhen


Anonymous said...

This is my 1st time join ylc.I am very happy to join this ylc because i had learned a lot and get new experience at there.I hope ylc 2010 will be held again to create more leaders for the future.

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